Next Taster night dates to be confirmed.
With Cynthia Connop, founder of Living Love, an international facilitator and relationship counsellor.
Come and explore the powerful, natural attraction of Masculine & Feminine in relationship, intimacy & love.
If you would like more love, trust and fulfilment in your life and your relationships, then come along to the ATTRACTION, INTIMACY & LOVE TASTER NIGHT. Learn the differences between the masculine and feminine, the 3 stages of relationships, and why many relationships succeed or fail!
Discover what’s creating stress in your relationships and intimacy, and how embracing and unlocking your masculine & feminine tantric sexual essence can deepen all aspects of your life.
Plus this is helpful information for parents to model loving, aligned relationships and understand your children.
The evening is informative, interactive and a lot of fun!
For singles and couples, men and women (over 18 years).
This is a rare opportunity to experience Cynthia’s work. And while the Taster is a a complete experience in itself, it is also a preview for the workshop Attraction, Intimacy & Love on March 30 & 31 at Mudgeeraba.
Date: TBC
Time: 7.30pm – 9pm (come from 6.45pm for a 7pm start)
Venue: TBC
Cost: $15 per person or $20 for a couple
Enquiries: call or text 0408 205671 or email
Bring: A water bottle ….and spread the word… bring a friend!
Enquiries: Call or text 0408 205671
For FLYER click here
“I experienced myself in ways I had never dreamed possible – open, fluidly in my feminine power.” Phoebe
“Living love is a rare, conscious, heart connected space where men can be honoured in their masculine, and women honoured in their feminine in an authentic way. It’s been deeply healing for myself, and in my relationship with my beloved partner. Cynthia has a real gift for helping people not only discover their true selves, but to let go of their fears and connect with others from the heart.” Simon
“Something significant has shifted in me at a deeply cellular level. This work is a complete power-house of truth. I’ve done lots of personal growth work, but nothing has had near the impact of Living Love when it comes to intimate relationships.” Darvis
If you’re a man or woman, wanting to become more open, receptive and authentic in your relationships with yourself and with the opposite sex, this work can be completely life changing. It is also open and applicable to those of all sexual identities and orientations.
In this evening workshop, you will learn what Masculine & Feminine actually is from a deep spiritual perspective, their differing needs, and how you can express your natural sexual essence safely and authentically in your daily life, in ways that resolve long standing issues fast!
“The skill of being able to stand like a rock in the face of the wild feminine has enhanced my life.” Tony
“I really appreciated the sensitivity, insight, playfulness and power… a delicious experience.” Jo
This work is deeply clarifying, and can help you re-pattern yourself for the relationships and connections your truly desire. Unlock and expand your natural essence in your life and in relationships.