Everyday Miracles for Couples

Cynthia ConnopAttraction, couples, creativity, essence, feminine, Intimacy, love, Love tips, masculine, passion, polarity, relationshipsLeave a Comment

Couple kissing Everyday Miracles for Couples

Everyday miracles for couples means that by infusing our day to day lives with love and a spark of attraction, things may still be tense, stressful or downright tough, but the flame that you are nurturing between you is real and even magical. When we first fall in love with the ‘other’ there is often a period of grace where … Read More

Sick of Online Dating?

Cynthia ConnoprelationshipsLeave a Comment

Couple enjoying, faces close together. Are you sick of online dating?

Over the last twenty or so years, like many of you, I have been partnered and single and understand the unique challenges of both. Many of my single clients complain that they never meet good potential partners. And yet they are reluctant to try online dating. Or they have tried it, hated it, and given up. If you are sick … Read More

A Couples Transformational Journey

Cynthia ConnoprelationshipsLeave a Comment

Couple - very close . A couples transformational journey

The transformational journey of Scott and Alice is an intimate unfolding that I have been honoured to witness and guide. I believe all the people I work with are courageous and each person’s transformational journey is unique but similar patterns to this couples case study show up frequently. The Initial Struggle Scott and Alice* are sitting in front of me. … Read More

Valentine’s Day – Beyond Romance

Cynthia Connopcouples, love, relationships, single, spiritualityLeave a Comment

Couple close up together . Valentine's day - beyond Romance

In current times Valentine’s Day is all about romantic love, expressed through flowers, gifts and special outings. It generally appeals to the feminine as a sign she is loved and valued. For the masculine it can be daunting or of little value to himself, so a deeper intention will likely help him embrace it. Valentine’s Day – Beyond Romance – … Read More

Feeling it All (In Relationships)

Cynthia ConnoprelationshipsLeave a Comment

couple close and feeling it all

It’s essential to understand that both positive and negative feelings are a natural part of life. When we open ourselves to love and become more aware, it means feeling everything, not just the positive and enjoyable emotions. Feeling it all may sound overwhelming but there are ways to make it a beautiful act. It’s great when we do feel upbeat … Read More

Are you Magnetic to Love?

Cynthia ConnoprelationshipsLeave a Comment

Dancing group in pairs. Are you Magnetic to Love

Do others find you attractive or are you more of the friend type? Is your lovemaking lacking passion?  You can be magnetic to love. Magnetic attraction requires opposite energies to be drawn towards each other. Masculine and feminine are good examples of opposites that attract. If we are both the same polarity, there may be deep and good feelings, but … Read More

Divine Masculine & Feminine

Cynthia Connopessence, feminine, masculine, relationships, spirituality4 Comments

Divine Masculine and feminine Couple in a healing embrace

(Artwork by Ines Honfi  http://www.ineshonfi.com) You may have heard people in the tantra and relationship space speaking of the Divine Masculine and Feminine, or invoking visions of Gods and Goddesses, and wondered about their true meaning. And how does this relate to us today, doing our best to love and connect in the midst of life’s challenges? Many of us … Read More

The Intimacy Keys: Unlocking the Art of Deep Connection

Cynthia ConnopAttraction, couples, creativity, Intimacy, Love tips, passion, pleasure, relationshipsLeave a Comment

Couple close up, eye gazing. The Intimacy keys

This blog is an invitation to both singles and couples to unlock deeper Intimacy and Connection in your life and relationships. Intimacy cannot be forced; it requires letting go of fear and resistance and becoming more open and receptive. Every step in that direction is a good one and like interest in the bank it compounds! As you read these … Read More

Valentine’s Day: Embrace or Escape?

Cynthia Connopcouples, Love tips, relationships, singleLeave a Comment

A red rose in a hand. Valentine’s Day: Embrace or Escape?

Valentine’s Day has a rich history, encompassing both gruesome Christian martyrdom (Saint Valentine), pagan fertility rituals (a wild Roman festival), and romantic love (thanks to the likes of Shakespeare, Chaucer, and eventually Hallmark Cards). Today however Valentine’s Day is often associated with the commercial exploitation of romance. Our expectations of what the day should be like are shaped by media … Read More