Everyday Miracles for Couples

Cynthia ConnopAttraction, couples, creativity, essence, feminine, Intimacy, love, Love tips, masculine, passion, polarity, relationshipsLeave a Comment

Couple kissing Everyday Miracles for Couples

Everyday miracles for couples means that by infusing our day to day lives with love and a spark of attraction, things may still be tense, stressful or downright tough, but the flame that you are nurturing between you is real and even magical. When we first fall in love with the ‘other’ there is often a period of grace where … Read More

Divine Masculine & Feminine

Cynthia Connopessence, feminine, masculine, relationships, spirituality4 Comments

Divine Masculine and feminine Couple in a healing embrace

(Artwork by Ines Honfi  http://www.ineshonfi.com) You may have heard people in the tantra and relationship space speaking of the Divine Masculine and Feminine, or invoking visions of Gods and Goddesses, and wondered about their true meaning. And how does this relate to us today, doing our best to love and connect in the midst of life’s challenges? Many of us … Read More

Intimacy: from Struggles to Love

Cynthia Connopessence, feminine, love, Love tips, masculine, polarity, relationshipsLeave a Comment

Intimacy: from struggles to love. Couple looking at each closely in bed

In intimate relationships, things can go wrong for a variety of reasons, including poor communication (why can’t they just listen!), lack of trust (he never changes), infidelity (she betrayed me) and differences in values or goals. These problems can lead to feelings of hurt, frustration, and resentment, and the resulting struggles can cause the deterioration of the relationship. Transforming intimacy: … Read More

Essential Masculine & Feminine Part 2

Cynthia Connopessence, feminine, masculine, relationshipsLeave a Comment

couple in water. Essential Masculine & feminine Part 2

In my last blog Essential Masculine & Feminine Part 1 I explained the qualities of each essence and how the differences can work to create attraction and spark. In this Part 2 I suggest practical ways to increase masculine and feminine sexual essence. Whether you are single or in a relationship you can improve your well-being, relationships and sexual polarity. Let’s … Read More