Everyday Miracles for Couples

Cynthia ConnopAttraction, couples, creativity, essence, feminine, Intimacy, love, Love tips, masculine, passion, polarity, relationshipsLeave a Comment

Couple kissing Everyday Miracles for Couples

Everyday miracles for couples means that by infusing our day to day lives with love and a spark of attraction, things may still be tense, stressful or downright tough, but the flame that you are nurturing between you is real and even magical. When we first fall in love with the ‘other’ there is often a period of grace where … Read More

The Intimacy Keys: Unlocking the Art of Deep Connection

Cynthia ConnopAttraction, couples, creativity, Intimacy, Love tips, passion, pleasure, relationshipsLeave a Comment

Couple close up, eye gazing. The Intimacy keys

This blog is an invitation to both singles and couples to unlock deeper Intimacy and Connection in your life and relationships. Intimacy cannot be forced; it requires letting go of fear and resistance and becoming more open and receptive. Every step in that direction is a good one and like interest in the bank it compounds! As you read these … Read More

Valentine’s Day: Embrace or Escape?

Cynthia Connopcouples, Love tips, relationships, singleLeave a Comment

A red rose in a hand. Valentine’s Day: Embrace or Escape?

Valentine’s Day has a rich history, encompassing both gruesome Christian martyrdom (Saint Valentine), pagan fertility rituals (a wild Roman festival), and romantic love (thanks to the likes of Shakespeare, Chaucer, and eventually Hallmark Cards). Today however Valentine’s Day is often associated with the commercial exploitation of romance. Our expectations of what the day should be like are shaped by media … Read More

Intimacy: from Struggles to Love

Cynthia Connopessence, feminine, love, Love tips, masculine, polarity, relationshipsLeave a Comment

Intimacy: from struggles to love. Couple looking at each closely in bed

In intimate relationships, things can go wrong for a variety of reasons, including poor communication (why can’t they just listen!), lack of trust (he never changes), infidelity (she betrayed me) and differences in values or goals. These problems can lead to feelings of hurt, frustration, and resentment, and the resulting struggles can cause the deterioration of the relationship. Transforming intimacy: … Read More

5 Tips for Your Intimacy Recharge 

Cynthia ConnopChristmas, couples, Love tips, polarity, relationships, singleLeave a Comment

5 Tips for yotr intimacy recharge - Couple hugging

Christmas holidays are coming up and for many people it’s a time for family, friends, parties or just having a quiet break to restore and recharge after a busy year. Why not use this time to reignite your intimate life, whether you are single or partnered? Here are 5 Tips for Your Intimacy recharge. Our sexual energy and intimacy are natural … Read More

The Big Love Myth

Cynthia ConnopLife tips, Love tips, relationships6 Comments

Sign Love Yourself First The Big Love Myth

I hear it a lot – if your relationship isn’t working or you have had a painful break-up, or you are unhappily single, it is because of the big love myth “You have to love yourself first before anyone else will.” It has almost become a cliche, that self-love is the cure all. What comes to mind is images of … Read More

5 Ways to more Love and Awareness

Cynthia ConnopLife tips, Love tipsLeave a Comment

5 Ways to Love & Awareness - Man and bird close up

When we feel caught up in the day to day, or lost in our fears and thoughts, we can easily forget that Love and Awareness are available now and just a heartbeat away! And while I know it can be hard to make a shift, I also know that just a taste can be highly impactful and lead to an … Read More

Are You Really Listening?

Cynthia Connopcouples, Love tips, relationshipsLeave a Comment

Couple close up and listening Are you really listening?

In the work I do with couples I find that being able to really listen to each other is a big factor in relationship satisfaction. And this is not just true for couples, it is important in all our relationships. In the article I want to share some insights and a case study to ask – Are you really listening? … Read More