Valentine’s Day – Beyond Romance

Cynthia Connopcouples, love, relationships, single, spiritualityLeave a Comment

Couple close up together . Valentine's day - beyond Romance

In current times Valentine’s Day is all about romantic love, expressed through flowers, gifts and special outings. It generally appeals to the feminine as a sign she is loved and valued. For the masculine it can be daunting or of little value to himself, so a deeper intention will likely help him embrace it. Valentine’s Day – Beyond Romance – … Read More

Valentine’s Day: Embrace or Escape?

Cynthia Connopcouples, Love tips, relationships, singleLeave a Comment

A red rose in a hand. Valentine’s Day: Embrace or Escape?

Valentine’s Day has a rich history, encompassing both gruesome Christian martyrdom (Saint Valentine), pagan fertility rituals (a wild Roman festival), and romantic love (thanks to the likes of Shakespeare, Chaucer, and eventually Hallmark Cards). Today however Valentine’s Day is often associated with the commercial exploitation of romance. Our expectations of what the day should be like are shaped by media … Read More

5 Tips for Your Intimacy Recharge 

Cynthia ConnopChristmas, couples, Love tips, polarity, relationships, singleLeave a Comment

5 Tips for yotr intimacy recharge - Couple hugging

Christmas holidays are coming up and for many people it’s a time for family, friends, parties or just having a quiet break to restore and recharge after a busy year. Why not use this time to reignite your intimate life, whether you are single or partnered? Here are 5 Tips for Your Intimacy recharge. Our sexual energy and intimacy are natural … Read More

3 Ways to stay positive when single

Cynthia Connopdating, feminine, Love tips, masculine, relationships, single2 Comments

Beautiful woman looking upwards. 3 ways to stay positive when single

As we navigate our way out of lockdown and border closures, especially in Australia but also elsewhere, there are unique challenges for singles. Old fears and disappointments can resurface as dating resumes. It can be discouraging to have no-show coffee dates, rude online behaviour, even meeting nice people you are not attracted to. Some people are reluctant to start dating again, others are … Read More

What is sexier? What is most loving?

Cynthia Connopcouples, dating, essence, feminine, love, Love tips, masculine, passion, polarity, relationships, sexy, single, spiritually sexyLeave a Comment

What is sexier? What is most loving?

What is sexier? What is most loving? What question we ask has a profound effect on our lives and relationships. Let’s take some simple and frequent interactions between a couple. Who will put out the cat? Or plan the holidays? Who will take out the dirty rubbish? Who will wash up tonight? Or if you are dating – ‘Who will pay for … Read More

Strengthen your masculine or feminine essence

Cynthia Connopcouples, essence, feminine, Love tips, masculine, polarity, relationships, single, spiritually sexyLeave a Comment

You will not be surprised that one of my favorite subjects is masculine and feminine essence and polarity. When this union and interplay is working well we feel enlivened, authentic, and like we have come home to ourselves. When it isn’t working so well we can feel uncomfortable, deadened, exhausted and uninspired with life or with our relationships. Or just having a sense that something could be better, or the passion is missing. … Read More

Men – Surf the Feminine Mystery

Cynthia Connopcouples, feminine, love, masculine, singleLeave a Comment

Men - surf the feminine mystery. A couple interacting

The Feminine Mystery. What does that mean? And what does it mean ‘men – surf the feminine mystery’. The feminine essence is mysterious, elusive, flowing and often unpredictable. Changing from soft and calm to fiery and chaotic. She defies rational thought and lives inside the great mystery of life. She seems to slide away just when you think you have her figured out. Like the ocean. … Read More

Nine tips to increase Intimacy and Love this Christmas

Cynthia ConnopChristmas, couples, feminine, love, masculine, singleLeave a Comment

If you want more intimacy and love this Christmas here are some tips that will help you navigate your way through the ‘silly season’. 1. Make it your own You decide what sort of Christmas holiday season you really want to have. Let’s make it a time of real Intimacy and Love, your way. This season of the year can be great fun but also it … Read More

Online Dating Tips for Singles

Cynthia Connopdating, feminine, love, masculine, single11 Comments

Over the last twenty years, like many of you, I have been partnered and single and understand the unique openings and challenges of both. Many of my single clients complain that they never meet potential partners and yet are reluctant to try online dating, or tried it and gave up. I have written Online Dating Tips for Singles to help change … Read More