Living Love workshops, sessions, private intensives and trainings have been running in Australia since 2009 and internationally since 2014. Living Love was founded by Cynthia Connop and she is the facilitator of the programs.
Cynthia is an international teacher, trainer and relationship consultant. She leads the Living Love workshops regularly in China and recently also in Europe. She has helped large numbers of women and men, singles and couples, to transform their lives and relationships. Cynthia loves to assist people to make real change in their lives.
Cynthia is also an accomplished documentary filmmaker, which encouraged her fascination with people, sacred sexuality and relationships.
Cynthia has studied with the renowned David Deida (sexuality and intimacy), Osho therapists, Sofia Diaz (embodiment training), Ana Barner (voice dialogue) and many others. She is also a qualified Avatar™ master.
Some of the workshops and retreats Cynthia has created for men and women include Attraction, Intimacy & Love, Live as Love, Meeting the Muse, The Heart of Woman (co-created), the Living Love program for men and women and Living Love for Women.
Her pioneering film projects, as writer, producer and director, include the feature documentary ‘Sacred Sex’, the educational video ‘Secrets of Sacred Sex’, the David Deida video ‘Spirit Sex Love’, and ‘Spiritual Terrorist’ on the Indian mystic, Osho. Her film ‘Bloodlines’ (ABC TV/Biography Channel) unfolds a healing encounter between two women from both sides of the Holocaust.
Cynthia explores love, freedom and the masculine and feminine awakening and other topics that fascinate her in her regular blog. You are invited to sign up to her newsletter for blogs, news and Living Love updates.
To FIND OUT MORE about working with Cynthia Connop contact her here: