Everyday Miracles for Couples

Cynthia ConnopAttraction, couples, creativity, essence, feminine, Intimacy, love, Love tips, masculine, passion, polarity, relationshipsLeave a Comment

Couple kissing Everyday Miracles for Couples

Everyday miracles for couples means that by infusing our day to day lives with love and a spark of attraction, things may still be tense, stressful or downright tough, but the flame that you are nurturing between you is real and even magical. When we first fall in love with the ‘other’ there is often a period of grace where … Read More

The Intimacy Keys: Unlocking the Art of Deep Connection

Cynthia ConnopAttraction, couples, creativity, Intimacy, Love tips, passion, pleasure, relationshipsLeave a Comment

Couple close up, eye gazing. The Intimacy keys

This blog is an invitation to both singles and couples to unlock deeper Intimacy and Connection in your life and relationships. Intimacy cannot be forced; it requires letting go of fear and resistance and becoming more open and receptive. Every step in that direction is a good one and like interest in the bank it compounds! As you read these … Read More