Essential Masculine & Feminine Part 1

Cynthia Connopessence, feminine, masculine, polarity, relationships, spiritually sexyLeave a Comment

A couple sitting close. Everyday miracles for couples

Singles and Couples, you have no doubt noticed there are different modes of being, feeling and communicating in relationships and dating. Essential masculine & feminine energies are all around us and in us. The masculine essence is the part of us that is present, conscious, directional, with penetrative focus and clarity. He is motivated by freedom, purpose, awareness, achieving his … Read More

3 Ways to stay positive when single

Cynthia Connopdating, feminine, Love tips, masculine, relationships, single2 Comments

Beautiful woman looking upwards. 3 ways to stay positive when single

As we navigate our way out of lockdown and border closures, especially in Australia but also elsewhere, there are unique challenges for singles. Old fears and disappointments can resurface as dating resumes. It can be discouraging to have no-show coffee dates, rude online behaviour, even meeting nice people you are not attracted to. Some people are reluctant to start dating again, others are … Read More

Masculine & feminine ‘languages’

Cynthia Connopessence, feminine, Love tips, masculine, relationshipsLeave a Comment

Masculine and feminine languages

Do you feel like you and your partner, or date, speak a different language? Are there masculine and feminine ‘languages’? Masculine and feminine essence do have different ‘languages’ and it makes a big difference to the quality of your relationship to know and understand them. This is a subject close to my heart. I find this is an area that causes a … Read More

Devotional Love

Cynthia Connopessence, feminine, Love tips, masculine, relationships, spirituality2 Comments

Devotion: Love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person or an activity. What or who are you devoted to in your life? Devotional love is a type of love imprint. When someone is captivated by their devotion to a person, a cause, or an activity, they will do anything to support it. Both masculine and feminine essence experience devotion, in different … Read More

Masculine and Feminine Truth

Cynthia Connopessence, feminine, Life tips, masculine, polarityLeave a Comment

Intimacy: from struggles to love. Couple looking at each closely in bed

The masculine (doing consciousness energy) is extremely valuable, as is the feminine (feeling flowing energy). We all need both  at different times. But the masculine and feminine energies are not something you want to balance out in yourself, to hold in equal amounts. If we do that we will have a lot of neutral people who don’t attract one another. … Read More

Our Purpose? To Love Fully and Deeply

Cynthia Connopessence, feminine, Life tips, masculine, passion, purpose, relationships, spirituality2 Comments

Our purpose? to love fully and deeply

These days there is a lot of pressure to find your overarching life purpose. This will supposedly lead to greater clarity, focus and a more satisfying life. If this purpose is noble and serves others, even better. It seems we must all be on a quest to find and live our purpose to make our lives meaningful.  Our purpose – … Read More

Sexual Polarity Now

Cynthia Connopcouples, essence, feminine, masculine, polarity, relationships, sexy, spiritually sexy, TantraLeave a Comment

Once you understand the basic nature of masculine and feminine essences and polarity, it is much easier to activate sexual passion and sexual polarity now.  In 30 seconds, or a little longer, you can activate your own sexual essence, alone or with a partner. This is how to amplify your essence when you only have a few minutes to do so. … Read More