In order to cultivate more masculine warrior essence in a man or a woman, you need to increase the amount of ‘challenge’ in the body and mind. This will strengthen and ‘widen’ their presence, and increase spiritual freedom.
The masculine is most alive living at his ‘edge’ with just the right amount of challenge to increase mastery of himself and how he relates to others, and to the whole of life.
Clarity of purpose and acting on his intentions and deepest service is part of that mastery. As is being spiritually aware moment by moment.
I have worked with men and women for many years based on the work of David Deida. I have been supporting, honouring and challenging men to get stronger, clearer, more awake and aware of what it means to be a trustable man in today’s world. A world where our sexual identities are both more blurry and more seen.
I have also worked alongside men who were running mens circles and practices. It’s an evolutionary journey we are all on, to find new and better ways to be lovers, men and women, masculine and feminine. To live love and freedom, and give our gifts to each other and the world. And when we ‘fail’, we can stop, be vulnerable, dust ourselves off, take responsibility and continue.
Below are some tips to support a man, or a woman, to experience more of their core masculine essence and freedom in life. I invite you to start with one, do it, then continue.
Warrior Tips for Masculine Deepening
- Exercise that takes you to your edge with a challenge that gives you mastery – martial arts, boot camp, mountain biking, surfing. Pushing too hard and fast at the beginning is counter productive. Work to your level of challenge and improve.
- Plan and schedule one day in 30 minute slots and stick to it, no matter what comes up or how you feel. Be accountable so if you fail, have a consequence in place, like giving money to a charity.
- Open and deepen your breath regularly with full belly breath, yoga pranayama, or circular breathing. So you are breathing fully and freely into the belly and entire torso.
- Spending time with men increases masculine yang essence. Being together, be ruthlessly honest, no gossiping or complaining, yet totally real & authentic, feeling ‘wide’. It takes courage to be vulnerable and to allow other men to be so.
- Meditate looking at a blank wall for 15 minutes a day, or gazing into your (left) eye in the mirror, coming into the present moment while breathing fully.
- Renounce sex, alcohol, news, digital media, computer games or other distractions for a week. Focus on your life purpose.
- Help out someone who needs your gifts, or lend a hand using your power tools.
- Watch a daily video by a spiritual teacher on the nature of awareness, witnessing, consciousness or similar.
- Internally (quietly to yourself) honour each woman you meet as an aspect of the Divine Mother, a blessing force of life and love.
- Frequently praise the Feminine in all her manifestations.
- Practice clarity – express your thoughts and desires clearly and in less words.
We all have old habits built up over many years and it takes time and patience to change them. So have compassion for self and keep moving forward. You should notice changes quickly, if not try another one of the tips. Sessions are available to support your process.