For sex and intimacy to develop we need time. Time put aside for dating, relationships and love making. And to make time in our busy lives for this, we need to value it. These 6 Sex & Intimacy Tips below will help you do that.
This is especially important at this time of the year as we head into Christmas holidays and there are many distractions.
Sex & intimacy are naturally delicious and nourishing aspects of our human lives, whether single or partnered. Sadly, if sex and/or intimacy becomes difficult, problematic or a source of conflict or shame we start avoiding it, finding excuses to do other things. ‘Dating is just too hard these days’, ‘aren’t all couples the same when they have been together for years’, ‘We love each other but the sex is boring’. Even ‘I just don’t have the time’ and ‘I’m too tired’.
Many of these are actually protection from past hurts and disappointments, or not knowing what to do to improve your situation.
For couples who are together for many years, it is common for the sexual spark to lessen. However, if you see great sex and deep intimacy as expendable in your relationship, things can get very functional and boring, and you can start to drift away from each other.
Many singles are happy in their lives already, so the effort and time needed to start a new relationship can be daunting. It is good to be honest about what you most want and align your actions with that.
Keep in mind that in the dance of masculine and feminine, if intimacy turns into familiarity, which turns into the friend zone, you can find it harder to have the lover energy present. It will take some effort and skill to recharge the spark.
6 Sex and Intimacy Tips
- Your body is a temple of love and freedom, so treat it with respect and care. It starts with you. Release body tensions through massage and exercise before you come to the love making encounter.
- Deep intimacy with yourself becomes the offering to your partner or future partner. Spend time alone to nurture your own essence. Know what you truly want and are ready to give.
- Sacred sexuality is one of the most powerful energies. When sex is used not only for pleasure and procreation, but for creating more love and awareness. Have this as your intention and attitude in relationship and dating.
- Make time for intimacy and lovemaking. Date nights do matter, so schedule them in your calendar now. Ask yourself – how much time per week do I/we need to achieve the level of openness and connection we/I want? Same for making time to meet new people if you are single.
- Slow sex is a good idea as generally it takes longer for the feminine to become aroused and fully open. Once there she can last longer so timing is important. Once you have made time for sex and intimacy, there is no rush.
- Appreciate the differences of masculine and feminine essence in sex and intimacy. The masculine is more sex-orientated, the feminine is more intimacy orientated. Both are paths to the same deep union.