Valentine’s Day – Beyond Romance

Cynthia Connopcouples, love, relationships, single, spiritualityLeave a Comment

Couple close up together . Valentine's day - beyond Romance

In current times Valentine’s Day is all about romantic love, expressed through flowers, gifts and special outings. It generally appeals to the feminine as a sign she is loved and valued. For the masculine it can be daunting or of little value to himself, so a deeper intention will likely help him embrace it. Valentine’s Day – Beyond Romance – … Read More

Divine Masculine & Feminine

Cynthia Connopessence, feminine, masculine, relationships, spirituality4 Comments

Divine Masculine and feminine Couple in a healing embrace

(Artwork by Ines Honfi You may have heard people in the tantra and relationship space speaking of the Divine Masculine and Feminine, or invoking visions of Gods and Goddesses, and wondered about their true meaning. And how does this relate to us today, doing our best to love and connect in the midst of life’s challenges? Many of us … Read More

Devotional Love

Cynthia Connopessence, feminine, Love tips, masculine, relationships, spirituality2 Comments

Devotion: Love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person or an activity. What or who are you devoted to in your life? Devotional love is a type of love imprint. When someone is captivated by their devotion to a person, a cause, or an activity, they will do anything to support it. Both masculine and feminine essence experience devotion, in different … Read More

Our Purpose? To Love Fully and Deeply

Cynthia Connopessence, feminine, Life tips, masculine, passion, purpose, relationships, spirituality2 Comments

Our purpose? to love fully and deeply

These days there is a lot of pressure to find your overarching life purpose. This will supposedly lead to greater clarity, focus and a more satisfying life. If this purpose is noble and serves others, even better. It seems we must all be on a quest to find and live our purpose to make our lives meaningful.  Our purpose – … Read More

Time Travel with the Masters

Cynthia ConnopLife tips, spiritualityLeave a Comment

photo of Cynthia Connop Time travel with the masters

My Conversations with Renowned Gurus A good activity for coronavirus isolation time for me is to be creative. My immediate workshop schedule is cancelled and all international trips are on hold. I am writing a book and find myself writing about the wisdom pressed into me by life and my personal story. I didn’t know I would soon be experiencing … Read More