Living a Passionate Life – Part 4 The breath is a key to openness and presence

Cynthia Connopessence, passion, pleasure, relationships, spiritually sexyLeave a Comment

The breath is fundamental as it allows us to live full and open, rather than shallow or contracted, in our energy, emotions and offerings. The breath is the life force and it also directs the flow of energy in our bodies and minds. Most of us are aware that when we are stressed and anxious our breathing comes fast and high up in the chest, … Read More

Living a Passionate Life – Part 3 Integrating our shadows and kinks

Cynthia Connopessence, feminine, masculine, passion, polarity, relationships, spiritually sexyLeave a Comment

Darker energy creates more passion, and it gives us the rocket fuel to create our heart-goals – both in our relationships and in our work spheres. And how do we integrate these powerful forces to be living a more passionate life? This article Living a Passionate Life – Part 3 continues the series. Below are practical, real suggestions that help us … Read More

Love is a risk

Cynthia ConnopLife tips, love, Love tips, passion, relationshipsLeave a Comment

#livinglove #kissing #polarity

If Love is a risk, then why do it? What are you willing to risk for love? Love isn’t something we can control, organise, keep in a pretty box, a spreadsheet or an iphone. It isn’t anything we can rationally understand. Unconditional love will require us to let-go, over and over. Love also contributes to our sense of security but essentially love is … Read More