Sexual Polarity Now

Cynthia Connopcouples, essence, feminine, masculine, polarity, relationships, sexy, spiritually sexy, TantraLeave a Comment

Once you understand the basic nature of masculine and feminine essences and polarity, it is much easier to activate sexual passion and sexual polarity now.  In 30 seconds, or a little longer, you can activate your own sexual essence, alone or with a partner. This is how to amplify your essence when you only have a few minutes to do so. … Read More

The Union of Masculine and Feminine

Cynthia Connopcouples, dating, essence, feminine, Love tips, masculine, passion, polarity, relationshipsLeave a Comment

Man and woman The Union of Masculine and Feminine

The desire for love and the erotic union of masculine and feminine runs deep, and yet there is little teaching in how to actually achieve this. And what teaching or information we do have is primarily misguided. We have been told that continual intimacy, complete honesty, and sharing everything with your partner makes for great relationship. But the truth is this doesn’t necessarily lead to igniting … Read More

Are you spiritually sexy?

Cynthia Connopcouples, essence, feminine, love, masculine, relationships, spiritually sexy2 Comments


Most of us have an idea of what it means to be sexy or to find someone else sexy. They have a vibrant sexual energy, are flirtatious, funny, open and available, confident, alluring, passionate. This can be highly desirable until we come across the spiritually sexy man or woman and it rocks our world. Are you spiritually sexy? Being spiritually … Read More