These online dating tips for men will help you to express your confidence, and attract a great partner who is right for you.* Many of my single male clients are initially reluctant to try online dating. Either they have a preference for meeting women in daily life, or they have tried it in the past and given up. However, in Australia … Read More
Worship and Sexual Essence – Masculine
Worship – “the act of giving worth to something”. How do we integrate worship and sexual essence – masculine, combining the sacred and the ordinary? Recently I saw a ‘shiva lingam’* in nature. On a wild beach a branch was set upright into a tree trunk base. It was a powerful symbol and I felt spontaneously moved to adorn it. … Read More
4 Myths of Masculine & Feminine Essence
Dissolving 4 myths of masculine & feminine essence that are currently predominating and causing confusion. Myth 1. We are best when we have a balance of masculine and feminine A balance would have us all being equally masculine and feminine in our energy, and while we are equal, we are not the same. This neutrality would give no polarity between … Read More
Energy traps and delights
Our masculine and feminine essences bring promises and pitfalls, energy traps and delights. And it’s often just a whisker that makes the difference between what creates more love and what creates suffering. Knowing your masculine and feminine essence, self-inquiry and feedback from your trustable peers is very helpful. Here I have outlined a few key energy traps and energy delights … Read More
Freedom is sexy
What is freedom? Basically it is the liberty to direct the course of our own life, to move around freely, to make our own decisions. Freedom is so valuable that we take it away as the ultimate punishment for criminals. And the experience of inner freedom is highly sought after. People who have achieved inner freedom are sexy. And powerful. We can feel … Read More
The Union of Masculine and Feminine
The desire for love and the erotic union of masculine and feminine runs deep, and yet there is little teaching in how to actually achieve this. And what teaching or information we do have is primarily misguided. We have been told that continual intimacy, complete honesty, and sharing everything with your partner makes for great relationship. But the truth is this doesn’t necessarily lead to igniting … Read More
Feeling unseen or unvalued?
Recently I did my first Facebook live video and it went very well! The main thing, as always, is getting started. One lovely comment was “It was like watching you in circle…confident, feminine and open….beautiful”, so that’s awesome feedback. Especially as a problem I had before doing my initial work on essence and polarity, (almost twenty years ago with the brilliant David Deida), was feeling unseen! Are … Read More
Life purpose – do you really need it?
This will largely depend on your core orientation to masculine or feminine essence. For the masculine essence, which is mostly men, purpose is central to his motivation. For the feminine essence, which is mostly women, love is central to her motivation. These days there is a lot of pressure to find your overarching life purpose. This will supposedly lead to greater … Read More
3 Love Myths revealed
Today I want to share with you my 3 Love Myths revealed. I am regularly coming across these myths in clients and I want to reveal the truth about these myths, because they inhibit and damage relationships. MYTH #1 ”I have to love myself before anyone else will. Otherwise I will attract the wrong sort of partner or bad behaviour from … Read More
What is sexier? What is most loving?
What is sexier? What is most loving? What question we ask has a profound effect on our lives and relationships. Let’s take some simple and frequent interactions between a couple. Who will put out the cat? Or plan the holidays? Who will take out the dirty rubbish? Who will wash up tonight? Or if you are dating – ‘Who will pay for … Read More