Strengthen your masculine or feminine essence

Cynthia Connopcouples, essence, feminine, Love tips, masculine, polarity, relationships, single, spiritually sexyLeave a Comment

You will not be surprised that one of my favorite subjects is masculine and feminine essence and polarity. When this union and interplay is working well we feel enlivened, authentic, and like we have come home to ourselves. When it isn’t working so well we can feel uncomfortable, deadened, exhausted and uninspired with life or with our relationships. Or just having a sense that something could be better, or the passion is missing. … Read More

Living a Passionate Life – Part 3 Integrating our shadows and kinks

Cynthia Connopessence, feminine, masculine, passion, polarity, relationships, spiritually sexyLeave a Comment

Darker energy creates more passion, and it gives us the rocket fuel to create our heart-goals – both in our relationships and in our work spheres. And how do we integrate these powerful forces to be living a more passionate life? This article Living a Passionate Life – Part 3 continues the series. Below are practical, real suggestions that help us … Read More

Living a Passionate Life – Part 2 Balancing the masculine and feminine interplay

Cynthia Connopessence, feminine, Life tips, Love tips, masculine, polarity, relationshipsLeave a Comment

Are you longing or waiting for your partner to be different? Would you like them to be more surrendered, or more directional and claiming, in the relationship? Do you find yourself repressing your true intimacy needs because it seems so hard to find the right balance with another? If you are single, are you attracting people that don’t really meet you where you … Read More

Living a Passionate Life – Part 1 Are you magnetic in your masculine or feminine essence?

Cynthia Connopessence, feminine, masculine, polarity, relationshipsLeave a Comment

Man living a passionate life

Do you find yourself being ignored by the opposite sex? Do others find you irresistible or are you more of the friend type, whether you are single or partnered? Is your lovemaking lacking passion and spiritual connection?  Does living a passionate life seem impossible? Living a Passionate Life – Part 1 shows how to be magnetic in your masculine or … Read More

How to increase your sexual essence

Cynthia Connopessence, feminine, Life tips, masculine, polarity, sexy, spiritually sexyLeave a Comment

In this blog I suggest ways to increase both masculine and feminine sexual essence. Connecting to your core sexual essence improves well-being, brings more harmony to your relationships and also increases sexual attraction. Here are some things you can do right now that explain how to increase your sexual essence. Let’s start with the feminine……. FEMININE sexual essence  Shakti, the divine feminine … Read More

Discover your sexual essence

Cynthia Connopcouples, essence, feminine, Love tips, masculine, polarity, relationships, spiritually sexyLeave a Comment

#livinglove #relationships

In this blog I want to share some of my inspiration and information about sexual essence and polarity, so you can discover your sexual essence and know and live it more fully.  From who we are being, comes what we experience moment to moment. I have a passion for storytelling. Having been a filmmaker it’s not surprising. Nearly all of my films … Read More

I Love You: I Trust You

Cynthia Connopcouples, feminine, love, masculine, polarity, relationships, sexy, workshops2 Comments

I Love You: I Trust You is an attitude, a way of deeply giving to our partner. Understanding the different masculine and feminine essence needs and motivations makes a profound difference in how we are received by the other. Those beautiful words ‘I Love You’ make her heart flood open, penetrating through layers of feminine ‘weather’ and leaving trails of … Read More

Masculine & Feminine – what goes wrong can come right

Cynthia Connopcouples, essence, feminine, love, masculine, polarity, singles, woman, workshopsLeave a Comment

Feeling unseen or unvalued?

The Living Love workshops resolve issues and problems in intimate relationships. And beyond that focus it take us further into deeper, sacred connection when we explore and embody masculine and feminine essence and differences. Then what goes wrong can come right. Men and women come to the Living Love workshops with different problems, goals and longings. They may have relationship … Read More

Polarity, Sex and Self-love

Cynthia Connopcouples, essence, feminine, masculine, polarity, relationships, sexy, womanLeave a Comment

#livinglove #kissing #polarity

I meet a lot of people struggling with sexual and relationship issues. They may have loss of interest in sexuality or feel uneasy about meeting a partner. Sometimes they are longing for more fulfilling, amazing love-making. These problems or issues are wholly or partly caused by a lack of polarity in their relationships. This Polarity, Sex and Self-love article explores how and why this happens. … Read More